
Professor Anthony So Wins 2022 UGC Teaching Award


Congratulations to Professor Anthony So on winning the 2022 Teaching Award for General Faculty Members! This award is granted by the HKSAR University Grants Committee (UGC). The award recognizes excellence in teaching and scholarship, and leadership within and beyond universities.


Professor So is Morningside College’s Deputy Master. He also serves as the Dean of the Graduate School, and teaches a course on optimization theory and its applications within the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management. He also guides Morningside’s GEMC1001 (Current Dilemmas and their Histories) students through ethical dilemmas in artificial intelligence. The award panel praised Professor So for his passion, innovation, and care for his students, as well as his determination to integrate engineering with the humanities for an interdisciplinary approach.


(Images of the 2022 UGC Teaching Award Presentation Ceremony are sourced from the UGC)
