
Exploring Music’s Effect on the Mind


On 10 November, audience members packed the Lee Hysan Concert Hall for “Music and the Mind”, an event co-hosted by Morningside College along with The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. Morningside student Joelle Li served as the Master of Ceremonies for this event, which opened with Hong Kong Philharmonic musicians performing Haydn’s “Emperor” Quartet, followed by a presentation by world-renowned soprano Ms. Renée Lynn Fleming on music’s effect on the human mind. After her presentation, Dr. Sonata Suk-Yu Yau, Dr. Bin Hu, and Dr. Agnes Chan revealed scientific evidence of the role music can play in helping patients with disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and autism. The event concluded with a Q&A panel with the speakers, moderated by Professor Nicholas Rawlins, Master of Morningside College.
